If you have wondered what guardianship of your child looks like, take a look at my latest column in the Austin American-Statesman.  My husband and I have raised our daughter Meredith for 20 years and then we had to hire a lawyer, say we are good...

After spending 2016 with no foot room under my desk, I now just have a handful of books ready to be bought. I have sold through Amazon, Kindle, book groups, retirement communities, Texas Book Festival and to teachers across Texas....

As Jim tried to sort out the incident with her, my heart broke because the most predictable thing in her world - night and day - had become confused....

Scenes from the release of "Meredith & Me," at BookPeople on Dec. 11. This just in: "Meredith & Me" was the No. 1 seller in non-fiction for the week of Dec. 13 at BookPeople. I am  teary-eyed at that news because it's not just an author's dream...

Sarah has written a column about the joys and challenges of raising a daughter with intellectual disabilities for 15 years in the Austin American-Statesman....